Monday, May 31, 2010


Molly and I are waiting in the LAX airport now for our flight to Hong Kong. We don't leave for another 5 hours, so we're passing the time with our last American meal at McDonald's and watching a couple of episodes of Lost. So far so good, we can't decide if we're more excited or tired... probably still more excited than anything! :) Please continue to keep us in your prayers!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5/4/2010 Update

It's Mayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! :) At the end of this month Molly and I will be flying out to the Philippines. Wooohooo!

This last week, Hilary and David Overton (the founders of Glory Reborn) were in the States meeting with people and sharing what's going on in Cebu. I had a chance to attend one of their meetings in El Paso, which was really neat and great for my mom to meet them as well. We watched a slideshow, heard stories, prayed for them, and ate some delicious food. It was awesome to meet Hilary and talk to her in person before I got there. I'm so excited for what God has planned for us this summer. Can't wait!
